Tiger Mother Essay

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Raising a child is the most important task for a parent, it is a huge responsibility because it will shape and decide how the child is going to be. There are examples of freely raised and strictly raised children, where the upbringing of the children has affected their lives in good ways, but there can also be fatal consequences. In this article “Why Chinese mothers are superior” by Amy Chua, the topic “parenting” is discussed, whether the Chinese or the western way of raising a child is the correct way. The western culture is very judgemental towards the Chinese culture regarding the upbringing of children. Even though raising a child the Chinese way has shown an outcome of very well educated and intelligent individuals. The sender Amy Chua tells about the strict upbringing of her children, and how she was the result of her parents raising her the same way. She doesn’t believe that she is raising her children too strictly, but rather thinks that the western way of upbringing is too loose. She is one of the Chinese mothers who believe that “stressing academic success is good for children" (p.2, l. 12) in contrast to the 70% of western mothers who think it’s wrong. The main philosophy of the way of raising her children is that hard work pays off, and that is why she puts in a lot of hours of drilling academic exercises with her children. Unlike the people who argue against her method of bringing up children, she has evidence that her way works. She is presenting it to the readers in the hope of acknowledgement and not being prejudged by the whole western society. But definitely also because America is in need of a well-educated youth, and Amy Chua claims to have the answer. By virtue of the highly intelligent and well-educated youth the Chinese way of bringing up children is creating, the traditional American society is standing before a threat. Compared to

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