Three Sisters Reflective Essay

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In Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, this story was dated pre-1917 around the Bolshevik Revolution. The area set for the play was in Rural Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution was fueled by Communism--A theory of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the commuunity as a whole or to the state. In this play, Chekhov portrays the rich, Upper class as lazy since the people of the upper class just talked about what they wanted to do instead of working to get to what they want to do, e.g. Olga wanted to go visit and move to Moscow, but in a span of years she is still in the same place that she was living. In this play, vices were common throughout, something that people in today's society understand and easily relate to. One of these vices is inidelity, for example a love triangle--Natasha/Andrey/Protopov. Another of these vices is gambling as Andrey has a problem and abuses the right to gamble. Drinking is another of these vices as Chebutykin was known to become drunk, especially when he threw the sisters' father's clock andd broke it. Work, in today's society as well, is known to be portrayed through either laziness or a working attitude. If one has a lazy attitude, then one is unhappy, but if one has a working attitude, one has a meaning in life. Another thing presented in this play was the use of time as Chebutykin smashed the sisters' father's clock thinking that time and aging would stop. Age of life is something very easy to relate to in today's society as people age no matter what is happening. An idea presented in a presentation was that people tend to learn better with music, as Chekhov seemed to use songs in order to get a point
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