Three Cups Of Tea (Book Report)

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Book Report The book I did is “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin published by penguin in 2006. The genre of this book is non-fiction. I chose this book because when one person makes a decision to change the lives of others for the better; he deserves to be called a hero. Greg Mortenson is such person in my eyes. Greg saw his live change after making one promise to build a school in a remote village of Pakistan. He has shown me that with a dream and a promise, one man can change the world. After studying Greg’s work, I know he has made the world a better place. Do you think that our world, where we are living is really a good place?” Nowadays, the society is developing faster and faster. Its purpose is to build a better life for everyone. However, are you sure that all of people in the world have a good life. This world is very large and there are many people, but not all of them have adequate life . Somewhere in our global, many people have to face with poor , war , disease, ect . Luckily, in these places, there are also many people trying to make the world become better and better. They are global citizens. Becoming global citizens require a lot of qualities, however, base on the attitude toward themselves as well as others, there are three necessary qualities: empathy, respect, responsibility. Well not just me but everyone who read this outstanding book knows that Greg Mortenson is a true role model and a very good global citizen. Some failures lead to phenomenal successes, and this American nurse's unsuccessful attempt to climb K2, the world's second tallest mountain,
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