Thing That Annoy Me

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Peoples in their life have things that annoy them. I am one of those people and I have thousands things that bother me. Although what's annoying is different for everyone, fingernails on a chalkboard, skunk spray and having to overhear cell phone conversations seem to be Universal annoyances. People who want to feel in control or who are depressed are more easily annoyed, but annoyances aren't deadly or lethal – they're minor. Things that make me not feeling good and annoyed are loud cell phone talkers, wasting groceries and people who never call me unless they need something. This happens in restaurants, malls, public bathrooms and as I discovered yesterday, car wash waiting rooms. It's nice and quiet, a room full of people sitting patiently and waiting to see their nice clean car. Then he walks in, the man with a cell phone and the need to feel important. He dials up a business associate and in the loudest possible voice, starts yapping about all his "important" business. Everyone turns and stares at him, but he isn't ashamed, he is happy that we all think he is worth noticing. Mr. Loud cell phone user please shut up. Go outside to talk or speak in a low voice, because you are not nearly as important as you think. You are annoying me. I buy vegetables and fruits with the best of intentions, but it rarely seems to work out for me. It seems that every day I have to throw away the strawberries I didn't get to eat, or the squash I forgot to cook, and on and on. I waste too much money buying food and letting it go to waste. It is annoying and expensive. We all have these people in our lives, some are "friends" and some are family. I don't exist for months and then when there is a crisis, the phone starts ringing. If you care about me, call me when everything is just fine, invite me over, see how I'm doing, don’t wait until you need a rescue before you

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