There Is No Hope For a Perfect Research (Griffith)

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Sudhi Ranjan Ganguly Essay Feb. 09, 2012 “There Is No Hope Of Doing Perfect Research” (Griffiths, 1998, P97) Though the subject statement made by the author is not based on perversity, yet without any prejudice it ought to be mentioned that, there are two definitions on perfection1. One is completeness and flawlessness, while the other one is, excellence. According to the later definition, every research is actually perfect in itself, subject to priority at any given point of time . It is nothing new to state, that for any new discovery or invention by way of research, there will invariably be someone, somewhere, waiting to improvise on it. There should be no two opinion on this. But, since priority changes with time, hence it would be prudent to mention that time & priority are the prime correlation factors, while ego-syntonic 2 (over perfectionistic attitude- caused by sleeplessness leading to personality disorder) syndrome could be the third factor because of which most researchers tend to have the subject perception. It’s a well known fact that most Research analysts while working on a particular thesis, tend to skip sleep for days together. They perceive and interpret differently about themselves and other people. One needs to have impartial thoughts of crystal clarity to understand this phenomenon. While on the subject of time n priority, let us take the case of the modern computing machines called Computers3. History credits the abacus, as the oldest surviving so called computer used in 300 B.C. by the Babylonians for mathematical computations . But, much before that, in the Upper Paleolithic era4(i.e.late stoneage),Tally Sticks5 were used as a method of error-free counting. The stick was divided into two halves of different lengths. The longer part was called stock
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