Therapeutic Process in Individual Counseling

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Abstract An ideal form of the therapeutic process for individual counseling is comprised of techniques and theories taken from the Psychodynamic Approach, Cognitive-Behavioral Approach, Person-Centered Approach and behavior modification techniques that are found in Operant Conditioning. These individual counseling techniques were chosen based on how effective and relevant to the client, they were deemed to be. Techniques taken from the psychodynamic approach is to allow the client to become conscious of all unconscious or subconscious concerns through the use of transference and working alliance. Techniques taken from the cognitive-behavioral approach is to help the client identify any irrational beliefs and thinking that is the cause of the client’s emotional disturbance. In the person centered approach, the therapy focuses on an important human characteristic - the client’s natural ability for growth and development, through the use of self actualization. (Capuzzi & Gross, 2005). Therapeutic Process in Individual Counseling The belief is that in individual counseling, an ideal form of the therapeutic process or therapy is comprised of various techniques stemming from the Psychodynamic Approach, Cognitive-Behavioral Approach and the Person-Centered Approach, but also includes methods of behavior modification as is found in Operant Conditioning. The therapeutic process varies between therapists and as is done here, can be comprised of various approaches and/or techniques that enable the therapist to effectively tailor the therapy to that client. The psychodynamic approach searches to explain “how an individual’s personality expresses itself through the behavior” displayed in various situations. (Capuzzi & Gross, 2005). Using the psychodynamic approach, the main goal of the therapist is to get the client’s repressed emotions in the unconscious, into the
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