Theory of Historical Materialism

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EMILE DURKHEIM'S THEORY OF SOCIAL FACTS While Durkheim’s writings touch on issues of political organization and morality, the fundamental concept diffused throughout his writings reflects a desire to provide a theoretical framework for describing and understanding the social construction of societal life. The overall agenda for Durkheim is to explain the process by which individuals socially integrate into society, as well as to provide a model for understanding the relationship between people and their respective societies. Most basically, Durkheim develops a framework for analyzing the construction and constitution of social life. The concept of “social facts” assumes importance in Durkheimian sociology. In fact, Durkheim has even defined sociology as a science of social facts. Social facts and events constitute the fundamental bases of his sociology thought. He tried to analyse and explain social phenomenon and social life by making use of this concept as his basic concept. Durkheim’s views about social facts are extensively dealt with in his second major treatise namely, “The Rules of Sociological Method”. Main Intentions of the “Theory of Social Facts”: Durkheim was in part a positivist and a believer in applying the methods of physical sciences to the study of social facts. Durkheim conception of sociology is based on a theory of social fact. Durkheim’s aim isto demonstrate that there is a science called “ sociology” which is an objective science conforming to the model of the other sciences and whose subject is the social fact. Meaning of the concept of “Social Fact” 1. “A Social fact is a phase of behaviour which is subjective to the observer and which has a coercive nature” 2.“A category of facts consisting of ways of acting, thinking and feeling, external to the individual and endowed with a power of coercion by means of which they control him.”
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