Theory of Adult Learning

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The Theory of Adult Learning: Andragogy James Bryant College 100 American Military University Karine Blackett The way people learned new things always interested me growing up. I knew as we grow up from children to adults the way we learn new things changes. The way we learn as adults is factored by a lot of things such as experiences we had over the years. I will be discussing the theory of adult learning. The term for this theory is andragogy. Throughout this paper I will discuss the many things that make up andragogy. Also I will discuss how andragogy applies to many different aspects of lives as adults. I hope that you will be enlightened by what I write today. Andragogy consists of learning strategies focused on adults. Its roots can be traced back to Alexander Kapp, a German grammar teacher who used it to describe Plato’s educational theory. It appeared again in 1921 when another German, Social Scientist, Eugen Rosenstock claimed that “adult education required special teachers, special methods, and a special philosophy.” Matthew Knowles however heard about the term in 1968 and used it in an article he wrote titled “Adult Leadership.” From that point on, Knowles has become known as the principle expert on andragogy. He asserted that andragogy should be distinguished from the more commonly used pedagogy, which means in Greek child-leading. One of the major differences between pedagogy and andragogy theory of learning is the role of the educator is minimized. The way you would teach adults is different from the way you would teach a child because as adults we tend to think things through more deeply. Adults also need to know they should learn something. As children it is assumed that we will simply learn what we are told to learn. Adults also want to know how it will benefit them in the future. I can recall plenty of time
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