Themes, Issues And Principles Of Community Psychol

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Themes, Issues and Principles of Community Psychology (Assignment 2) The term and definition of ‘communities’ is still much debated by government, professionals and other individuals. The term communities can be claimed as a political term, an indication of object of legislation or even an business community ( Ramphele 1988). With its roots in politics and religion, communities are still not fully defined but people believe in these cultural notions, where they have something in common (Ramphele 1988). This essay will focus on the women in communities which are located in rural areas. These women are one of the central bodies of the community which are mostly recognised by the poverty stricken environment, where women has taken the inferior role in the community hierarchy. This community usually includes elements like lack of resources such as education, health and safety. Ramphele (1988) also recognises this problem, by stating that women are further disadvantaged by community development projects. Ramphele (1988) explains this statement, by saying that women are usually nominated to take part in voluntary community action, which now burdens them with even more responsibilities (as they already have to take care of the household, children and still have to work while having minimal power and say in the community structure and politics). Three concepts have been identified when it comes to community psychology, which is prevention, empowerment and participation. These three, together with others, are they key principles which can be used to empower women. As probably the most well-known principle of community psychology, prevention (rather than a cure) programs` main aim is to target high-risk populations and add to the social institutions and the current therapeutic state ( Rappaport 1981). Prevention came from the needs model, where people are viewed as
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