The Zebra Mussel

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The zebra mussel, (Driessena polymorpha), has been an aquatic nuisance species, (ANS), around the globe since the late 1700's. By the 1830's, the mussels covered most of Europe and had invaded Britain. Only until recently, around 1985, were mussels introduced to the United States when transatlantic ships released infested ballast water into the lower Great Lakes. Even more recently, 1999, were zebra mussels discovered in the local vicinity of the Lake George watershed. Being an invasive species that cause significant economic and ecological damage to the lake, it was apparent that affirmative action had to be taken. After close examination of the actions currently underway, a prominent question comes forth. Are the current efforts and methods used for the eradication and control of zebra mussels in Lake George sufficient for the protection and continuing preservation of the existing ecosystem? Personally, I think they are not. Taking into consideration the fact that one can never really do "too much" to benefit a situation as such, Lake George and it's officials, as well as it's local inhabitants, could be doing a lot more. Most importantly, there is a sufficient lack of public education and awareness at local marinas about the precautions needed to be taken when boating in "zebra infested" waters. Boating, diving, fishing, and numerous other water activities contribute to the spread of zebra mussels, as a means of there survival includes strongly adhering themselves to hard surfaces submerged in the water, such as boat hulls, scuba diving equipment, and fishing gear. Because of this, local marinas should enforce proper decontamination efforts. Unfortunately, from personal experience, I can vouch for that fact that these efforts are commonly overlooked. Zebra mussels are small shellfish obviously named for the striped pattern on their shells. Color patterns can

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