The Yeast Menace

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The Yeast Menace Other names for this are Candidosis, Yeast Infection, Monilia and Thrush. This is one of the most debilitating immune deficiency disorders today. There are lots of symptoms, the most common being bouts of thrush, cystitis and chronic tiredness. The patient could also suffer from inability to lose weight, depression, anxiety, allergies, diarrhea and constipation and many more. All Candida sufferers will be hypoglycaemic which gives sugar cravings and of course if they give into them, then they are feeding the yeast even more. Most ME sufferers have a yeast infection too. Our colons are populated by lots of good bacteria, around 80%. These are there to aid digestion and manufacture some B vitamins. The other 20% are yeast organisms known as Candida Albicans. Yeast lives all over our body but is highly concentrated in the colon. It has a job to do, just like the other bacteria, but given the right environment it will multiply, hence a yeast infection and the sufferer experiencing symptoms as mentioned previously. Yeast feeds on sugar, so it is no wonder that there are more and more people suffering with this in this day and age. The reason being there are more simple carbohydrates readily available in the form of bread, sweets, cakes alcohol etc. Lifestyles are more hectic and stressful and therefore people grab something quick to eat and the quickest things are carbohydrates, which have a higher rate of sugar than protein. Yeast is also being fed by high use of certain antibiotics. Women suffer a lot more than men with this as the use of the contraceptive pill has been linked to Candidosis due to the female sex hormone, Progesterone, which is not only in the female body but also in the contraceptive pill. Treatment. The first thing to do when treating someone with a yeast infection is to stop feeding the yeast.

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