The Working Mother

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The Working Mother What separates the single working mother from the rest are many things. They work multiple jobs or jobs with long hours, have very recreational time for themselves and they do domestic work when they get home. When you become a mother you your life becomes your kids. Unlike traditional two parent families, the single mother plays the role of both parents and at the same time does everything she can for her kids. Even though I myself am not a parent or single mother, I’ve had the experience to witness three other women in my life who are. Through their experiences I’ve learned the roles working mothers have and the many attributes they possess. Mothers work twice as much, if not more, than the average working person.When a working mother has a child with no supporting father, the mother takes over the father’s role as well. For example, my aunt is a single mother with two children. She works two jobs; as a taxi driver and a waitress at a bar. She has to work two jobs because she doesn’t only have to pay for rent, bills, and food on her own; but also for the proper schooling and care for her children. My girlfriend’s mother works up to three jobs and supports three of her children. She works as a bus driver, tour bus advisor, and an airlines baggage handler.She works these jobs not only to support her children so they grow up living a good life, but to also make sure one of them can further her knowledge in college and stay in college. Also, my friend has one child and is expecting another. She is a single mother and works as an artist and is going to school to be an architect. She was previously attending school but had to put it aside because she had her first child. Now that she’s expecting again she has to plan ahead on how she is going to support not only her child but also her newborn on the way as well. Working mothers not only have
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