The Women In a Doll's House And Other Short Storie

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People react differently to secrets when they finally come out; especially when they are in a relationship and they try to keep it from their spouse or significant other. Many of us have been face with the decision of whether or not to tell some secret, or try to live with it. When the secret finally does happen to surface, then we are faced with what to do and how to handle it. We all do what we feel is right at the time; but no matter what decision we make, we still have to live with the decision we made, no matter how difficult it is. These stories, "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen and "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin both depict women who carry a lot of emotion from the beginning to the end of the story. They all react to a time when women in their day should not act in the way that they reacted. The carry the stigma that women is to be obedient to their husbands, or their father if they were unmarried. Nora and Mrs. Mallard reacted to their separate situations in a rational, but independent choice; even if society seemed to disapprove of the way they lived their lives. In the story, “A Doll’s House”, we have Nora living with a secret and trying not to let her husband, Torvald Helmer know. She is so distraught, that she tells a friend, the same friend who hired her in place of another employee. That same employee is hurt and blackmails Nora about what she did. Nora does everything she can to plead with Krogstad not to tell Torvald, but in the end, he finds out. In the story, “The Story of an Hour”, Mrs. Mallard learns of her husband’s death from her sister Josephine. She is so distraught with the news, that she retreats to her bedroom to be alone. While in her room, she goes through several emotions: first, she is exhausted and allows herself to relax, then, she gets depressed by the news of her husband’s death, and finally, she is relieved

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