The True Nature Of Humans

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The entire population of humans contains the devastating ability to look at two things, no matter what, and lie about their true natures. One example, the film District 9 directed by Neill Blomkamp in 2009 contains these extreme natures. Humans and aliens now coercively coexist in this film. Aliens live in refuge camps on the edge of the city, paroled by guards for their ‘safety’. These aliens, though they created superior technology and a society as much as humans, then get treated like less than nothing. By the end of the film one scientist, Wikus van der Merwe (played by Sharlto Copley), is bent on learning the inter-workings of alien weaponry. He ends up exposing himself to alien DNA and begins to mutilate. Soon the human and alien distinctions blur and he becomes trapped as one of them. Now Wikus experiences almost racist threats from humans as he searches for a cure, doomed exist as an Alien for the rest of his life. These threats to the aliens coincide with the eight steps of Genocide and truly prove how humans look at something and lie about it. For this kind of lying possibly ends in something disastrous: The Genocide of an entire race. This genocide is proven possible through District 9, which shows that humans are cruel, heartless, and unforgivable to creatures they do not even understand. Humans are unforgivable towards aliens, considering their “crime” is mere existence. Even the food the aliens were given had to be sneaked in on a Nigerian market, “where they sold cat food to the aliens for exorbitant prices”. The humans still didn’t care enough. They just wanted some extra money. This is the being of classification and symbolization, the first and second steps to genocide. Its humans versus aliens world now. Or “Prawns”, a slang term in the movie meant to demoralize the aliens. The aliens were just looking for some help, and instead they are
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