The Trip That Changed My Life

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EJ Barr Mrs. Rhonda Crombie English 1101 10-19-12 The Trip That Changed My Life Going to a Christian school, I am surrounded by a Christian atmosphere, Christian authority, and constant Biblical teachings. Having this every day is wonderful, and it solidifies who I am. I am very thankful for this, but being constantly bombarded with the same things daily can begin to become very monotonous. The Christian faith is something that is a lifestyle for me, but everyone needs some kind of spark in his or her life from time to time to remind them of what he or she is really living for. My sophomore year of high school I wrote an essay, hoping to be accepted to go on the yearly Dominican Republic mission trip with my school. I gladly accepted the invitation to go on the mission trip when my baseball coach informed me that I had been one of the chosen students to travel to the Dominican Republic. I was so excited, and I knew that great things were in store, but I had no idea that my faith would be solidified as much as it was that year. Preparing for the trip gave me quite the adrenaline rush, and nothing can compare to the feeling I got when I and most of my friends and classmates were walking through the airport, waiting to get on the plane to head to a different country to do the Lord's work. Excitement filled me. Picture after picture was being taken to be posted on Facebook, and our nicely pressed mission tee shirts made our group look very well put together and business-like. However, the reality that hit me when we walked off of the plane was heavier than most anything that I had ever felt. I could definitely tell I was about to be changed, and God was about to do work in my heart. Huts, torn down houses, and dilapidated orphanages were my new world for the next week, and the nicely pressed, brightly colored tee shirts we were all wearing did
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