The Teenage Decleration

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that teenagers should be able to explore and rebel freely how they feel is the right path for them, and that they undeniably have the right to preach to whom they want how they want, and that food, shelter, clothing and other things to certify the teen’s well-being and happiness are given with little to no discussion. The teen also has the right to express themselves through physical means and pierce. The piercing in question would of course be professionally and safely done with a parent present, and would be taken care of in full responsibility by the teen. Tattoos should also be granted- however, the teen who wants the tattoo must select it six months prior and wait with the selected tattoo, so to be certain that the tattoo is definitely the one they choose for the rest of their life. Teenagers should also have the right to dress how they choose. The parents have a 10% say in what the teenager wears, however if the teenager’s will to wear the specified item is strong, parents shall have no say in the matter. If particular clothing items cannot be worn without being public indecency, the parent will have a higher say, but this is only effective if it is legally indecent, not an opinionated statement. Read more in Teen Life « Top 5 Things a Teen Needs to Stay AliveGraduation » Curfew should also have an added hour if with two or more other people on a Saturday night. If the friends need a place to stay for the evening and there is no real reason why the friends cannot, the parents should be inclined to say that they can indeed stay the night, and spend time in the basement as to make noise, with no bed time. There should also not be punishment if plans change last minute and the teenager that belongs to the parents of which we refer to calls and states that they are now going to another place. The parents should be
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