The Symbolisms in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles

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Introduction After reading Tess d'Ubervilles from Thomas Hardy I hardly believed that in some scenes the course of events and situations were coincidence. Somehow it all fitted together and I began to see some parallels to other things, whether it was historical, symbolic or even biblical. I then had the idea of observing such scenes more closely and decided to write a paper about it. Symbols are events or things which describe something else and connect an occuring situation with something that already exists and which we are already familiar with. They also form a network of descriptions and can sometimes describe something with an ironic meaning. Sometime symbols can only work during a specific time span, for example to describe a change through out the course of time. Sometimes symbols only become visible when the reader is standing in a another angle. But why use symbolisms? Authors have the ability to describe their important themes in a more understanding and touching way by using symbolisms. They use symbolisms to further foretell and capture the important elements of the story. For example when readers read a scene which is described in a symbolic way, they automatically connect it with the parallel meaning of the symbol and are eventually more touched by the scene than without the use of symbols. Symbols can be either figures, colours, characters or objects that trigger a deeper meaning or that are used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. They are often used when authors want to give more meaning and emotion to their story without directly pointing it out. So they are very often used by short story authors so that they can describe their topic in a more touching way. Thomas Hardy however, does not always write short stories. Yet, he uses a lot of symbolisms in his stories. In this case, Tess of the d'Urbervilles has a lot of symbolisms which I

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