The Study Of Anusara Yoga

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The Study of Anusara Yoga Yoga is the Sanskrit word for “union” which is the language of ancient India where yoga believed to have began over five thousand years ago. Yoga is a mental, spiritual, and physical discipline with the purpose of attaining a state of spiritual tranquility integrating the mind, body and soul. This ancient form of practice advocates the ultimate objective of realizing the meaning of life. There are six branches of yoga that each represent one area of special concentration. This includes Bhakti Yoga (“yoga of definition”), Raja (“yoga of self-control”), Jnana (“yoga of the mind”), Karma (“yoga of service”), and Tantra (“yoga of rituals”). However, the most demonstrated branch of yoga is Hatha which represents the “yoga of postures”. Under the school of Hatha, a modern adaptation named Anusara was birthed in the late 20th Century. Anusara Yoga was created in 1997 by a man from Texas named John Friend. Friend began practicing yoga as an adolescent before he becoming a yoga teacher in 1986. During those years, he became a student of Iyengar Yoga in which he earned two teaching certificates and served on the Board of Directors for the Iyengar Yoga National Association for years. From those years of practice, he became acquainted with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda who presented the art of Siddha Yoga to him. The two studies of the disciplines of Iyengar and Siddha Yoga help comprise what Anusara Yoga is all about. The word Anusara means “flowing with Nature”, “flowing with Grace”, “following your heart”. Anusara yoga is the only popular yoga that is centered around a heart oriented theme combined with Tantric philosophy focusing on inner goodness. The greatest aspiration of Anusara yoga is to become parallel with the Divine. It is believed that as you become more in tune with the Higher Source, the more you step into the flow of Grace. One
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