The Sisters Short Story Analysis

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The soft voice of the serpent The Luncheon by William Somerset Maugham Manhood by John Wain Relatives by Chris van Wyk The sisters by Pauline Smith The secret life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber The secret life of Walter Misty – James Thurber The secret life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber The Dube Train by Themba Can The Dube Train by Can Themba The coffee-cart girl by Es’kia Mphahlele Important summary of the NOVEL: [pic] [pic] Important to remember! The Setting: This is the background of where and when the story takes place. It may be in one time and place or change through the story. The setting is important to understand the theme and the characters. Plot: This is what happens in the story (sequence of events) Some novels have a lot of action in the story line BUT some are very “slow” and nothing seems to happen. All the action is then “inside” the characters’ hearts and minds. Theme: This is the main message that the writer wishes to get across to the reader. A novel may have more than one theme. Themes are often linked. Certain characters are linked to certain themes. Common themes are: love, hate, family struggles, politics and social comments, childhood memories and justice. Characters: May have a large number of characters – depending on the length of novel. Always one or a few MAJOR (main) characters – most important to the development of the story. Always a few minor (smaller)

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