The Sin Bin Or Lucy's Heart

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“The Sin Bin or Lucy’s Heart” Essay The short story starts in median res where Lucy Cook, a perfectly behaved and typical a-student, is in detention, because she hit a girl named Penny. While she’s in detention, she’s draws a heart and reflects over the situation. The entire story is seen from Lucy’s point of view and is therefore told in a first person narrator, which makes the story very personal and complex. We get to know Lucy’s true feelings and thoughts, and her opinions about everything. The use of a first person narrator makes it important to remember that every description we read is seen through a teenage-girl’s eyes, just as the point of view on the situation and the other persons in the story. The story would have been a lot different if the narrator had been someone else, for example Bethan. Furthermore Lucy also reveals herself by being the narrator. We get a more or less honest picture of what kind of person Lucy really is, because we are inside her thoughts. The short story has many smaller themes that all focuses on adulterous, but the theme I find the most important is “identity”, because it’s a difficult period every one of us must go through. In this short story Lucy is struggling with the dilemma of “being cool” and being true to herself. In the short story Lucy is in detention for hitting another girl. She didn’t do it because she wanted to, but because Bethan pressured her into doing it. Bethan is Lucy’s role model, and Lucy doesn’t want to disappoint her in any way. They’re very different and Lucy is seduced by the respect of being friends with Bethan, but the relationship to Bethan has its price, and it’s at the expense of Lucy’s moral that Bethan exposes her of peer presure. But Lucy’s moral problems with Bethan are not the only things that are on her mind while she’s in detention. Since Lucy also struggles with a too controlling
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