The Sieve And The Sand - Fahrenheit 451 Analysis

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Fahrenehit 451, an award winning book, written by Ray Bradbury explains how books play a big role in society and our lives. The title of the second section, “The Sieve and the Sand”, symbolizes the overall theme of the book. For not reading books, the minds of the people have become porous and knowledge is just slipping out of their brains. Incidents, in the book, such as the attempt to memorize the Bible and the characters in this section are the reason why this section is called, “The Sieve and the Sand”. In the train, on the way to Professor Faber’s house, Guy Montag tries to memorize part of the Bible. His surroundings and his mind won’t cooperate with him, so he’s not able to memorize it. This event shows us how much the minds of the people in the society are blocked and how impermeable they are. This scene also relates to another incident when Guy was a young boy. Young Montag was given a bet by his cousin to fill a sieve with sand, and if he did this, he would be given a dime. No matter how hard Montag tried, he couldn’t do it because the sand just kept falling out. The sand represents Montag’s knowledge and the sieve represents Montag’s brain. The knowledge in Montag’s mind is just slipping out no matter how much he tries, because of the banning of books. The characters, such as Mildred Montag and Professor Faber, play a huge role in the naming of the second section. Mildred Montag and other members of the community represent the sieve. Even if knowledge is given to them, they aren’t able to grasp the information and keep it in their brain. Professor Faber, represents knowledge and the sand. Faber is described as being a white, old man that remembers information and processes that information in his brain. White symbolizes the color of purity and is some what the color of sand. The name of the second section is also there because of the characters. “The

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