The Seven Organizational Approaches to Studying the Human Body

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The Seven Organizational Approaches to Studying the Human Body Timothy Glover HCA220 Dr. James McKinney 03/30/2012 The Seven Organizational Approaches to Studying the Human Body The seven organizational approaches to studying the human body are body planes and body directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic to macroscopic, body systems and medical specializes. The body planes and body direction is the division of the body in to sections from front to back, right and left, and top and bottom. These sections are called the midsagittal plane, the coronal plane, and the transverse plane. This approach is used when studying organs and its function or specific areas with in the body like lungs, brain, and joint and tendons. This approach is best for pulmonology because the structure of this study lies within the superior part of the body when divided by the transverse plane. The body cavity is the study of the body cavities and the organs in the cavities. This approach is used when studying certain organs in the body and how a disease affects different organs. This approach is best for gastroenterology because all of the structures located within this study are located within the body cavities of the human body. The quadrants and regions divide the lower torso into four sections and nine region sections to identify the areas where internal organs are placed. This approach is a good reference to be used when conducting a physical exam of internal organs. Radiology tests such as MRI, CT scan, PET scan and X-Ray mainly use this method. The anatomy and physiology is the study of the structures with in the body and how they function in the body. This approach is good to be used when studying the structure and how cell work or the nervous system. Microscopic and macroscopic is the study of the

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