The Senecan Elements in the Spanish Tragedy

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The Spanish Tragedy is an Elizabethan tragedy written by Thomas Kyd between 1582 and 1592 which is deeply influenced by Senecan Tragedy. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (often known simply as Seneca; 4 B.C. – 65 A.D.) was a Roman philosopher, statesman and dramatist. He is regarded as the source and inspiration for what is known as 'Revenge Tragedy'. Because of influence of Senecan tragedy, Senecan elements are found in ‘The Spanish Tragedy’. The play contains Senecan elements like as the use of chorus, typical revenge themes, bloody tragedy, the character of the Ghost, rhetoric, philosophic soliloquies, horrors and bloodsheds. The opening is typically Senecan in character. The ghost of Andrea, a Spanish Courtier and Revenge are introduced at first and they are supposed to watch the development of the play. They serve as chorus in the typical Senecan style. A sensational theme involving a quest of revenge is remarkably Senecan. It contains horrors and bloodshed which are also Senecan elements. The Spanish Tragedy starts with the murder of a Spanish noble man Don Andrea by the Portuguese prince Don Balthazar. It was a battle between Spain and Portugal. After death Don Andrea went to the second life and there he met with the character of Revenge. The Revenge promises that he would help Andrea to take revenge for the unfair death that he suffered. Thus, from the start it can be understood that there will be super natural elements and horrors and bloodsheds in this drama. The use of rhetoric like the use of stichomythia is also Senecan, with characters playing upon their names, which Hieronimo does repeatedly. Stichomythia can be observed between Bel-Imperia and Balthazar, and Lorenzo also. Another example of Selecan elements are the use of philosophical soliloquies. Hieronimo’s character develops over a series of soliloquies, wrestling with several key questions. It

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