The Self Concept

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Consumer Behaviour Assignment Title The Consumer Self Student Name- Rory Conway Student Number- C10343835 Signed_______________________ Date _______________________ Efforts to understand consumer behaviour have stretched across a wide varied thought process, an array of different research fields, theory, practice and behavioural science. An area within behavioural science yields significant interest about consumer behaviour is self-theory. What is self-theory? What we do know, is that self-theory/concept strongly influences consumer behaviour. “Self is a relatively new concept or way of regarding people and their relationship to society. So this means little has been done to fabricate formal theories that would be useful in predicting consumer behavior” (Grubb & Grathwohl, 1967, p. 24) So my research objective of writing this is to create an understanding of what “The Consumer Self” is by reviewing what has been created by theorists and scholars on the topic and from this create a link with the concept to consumer behavior and suggest how it can be used. I am going to try relating purchasers of product types or specific brands to personality traits of the purchasers by researching into the varied understandings of the consumer self. Earlier marketing literature is full with studies which attempted to relate purchasing of certain product types or specific brands to personality traits. Tucker (1957) is the first who proposed that consumers’ personalities can be defined through product use. While Evans 1959 in made a “landmark” study which attempted to examine the differences in personalities between owners of different cars. A study then by Koponen (1960) said that smokers had similarities to certain personality types. A trend was noted; Westfall (1962) reported that owners of different models of cars
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