The Role of the Government

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The Role of the Government The Role of the Government Ethics is defined by Ruggiero’s as “the study of the choices people make regarding right and wrong” (Ruggiero, 2008). It is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation; a set of moral principles: a theory or system of moral values” (Dictionary). The ethical decision making process of the government must first identify and conform to their own ethical issues. “Rationality is important to government ethics. Our quick view of right and wrong are often overly simplistic and uninformed. They are a beginning, but not an end. And if we discuss our feelings and thoughts with the right people, rather than those who automatically agree with us, who enable our behavior, good or bad, then we will far more likely to act correctly when it comes to government ethics” If the government doesn’t have or obey their own ethics, they cannot expect its citizens to act accordingly. Where do ethics come from? Are they dictated by society? Do they come from religious beliefs, or do they come from our culture or upbringing? People ask themselves these questions on any given day. Some people believe ethics is like moral values and are taught through parents. Others believe it’s the pressure of society telling them what to do and what not to do. Ethics can be a method by which people categorize their values. Often time’s people look back to the laws and regulations set forth by the fore fathers of this country and draw their ethics from there. It is the government’s responsibility to take care of all its citizens. There are different steps the government can take to evaluate ethical obligations. The steps should be to identify the problem, find a possible course of action, evaluate the action chosen, and implement it.
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