The Role Of Intuition In Knowledge

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Evaluate the role of intuition in different areas of knowledge The meaning of intuition is the “ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning”[1].We use intuition in many various parts in areas of knowledge one great example is in science. Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz a great chemist discovered the Benzene molecule after dreaming of a snake that is biting its own tile, he claimed that after that dream he found the circular shape of the molecule, is this really how he discovered the ring shape of the molecule? A way of how intuition plays a role in human science can be seen when I was watching a documentary about human behaviour. It was mentioned that women have a greater sense of intuition then men this is because it relates to the theory that women use different networks in their brains to respond to emotional events[2], and thus giving them greater intuition. Stanford University in California performed a scan to see how 12 women would react to different images range from neutral images such as fire hydrants, to highly disturbing images of mutilated bodies. The conclusion was that in the women, nine areas of the brain known to play a role in emotion and memory showed higher activity, compared with just two areas for men[3]. However we see a problem in this experiment and theory, the reason being is that the images shown where mostly to do with violence but what if other more pleasant images where shown, this might have increased the emotion of the men, which would influence there intuition when seeing the images. An example of the way emotion is linked with intuition can be seen in the following example[4] the situation is as following: Tony is a relationship counsellor. He is currently seeing Andy and Barbara who are having terrible problems. They both attend their session ever week without fail, say all the right things and appear to make

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