The Role of Government

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The Role Of Government The Role of a Government can have different many views. To some people the role of a government can be viewed as someone who is there to protect us. Some people see the Government as someone who is there to defend our lives, freedom, and property from those who violate them (site1). Some see it as a burden to our daily lives. Why do we have to pay taxes? Why do we have to follow laws? Why do we have to pay for healthcare? Why are we censored? Why do we have to pay for car insurance? These are some of the questions that people ask and wonder. Many wonder that our Government has become so powerful that it poses a threat to the rights and freedom that we are suppose to have. I have always questioned why do we have to live in a society where a piece of paper(money) is greater than gold and silver. The Government is here to protect us. We pay taxes, and as taxpayers, we can be provided with protection. In our society, we need the protection to pursue happiness, the American dream. We need a government to control our food industry, banking system, and housing industry. In order to survive in this world, we need sufficient food, clothing, and shelter for families and ourselves. The government keeps us somewhat safe and makes sure that no one can just come in and take everything that we work for away from us. Even though there are times where a government can come in and take everything that we worked for away from us, but we as taxpayers give them the power to do so. As much as the Government is portrayed as a negative institution, they do provide us with a stable society. They provide us with Social Security, Medicaid, free public libraries, public health services, the CDC (centers of disease control), and the best highways, which provide the best auto and truck transportation in the world. These are some of the reasons that answer the question,
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