The Role of Food

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The Role of Food In Life I believe that food provides many different positive influences in our life, not just nutrition based aspects but also psychological. There are so many life cycles that are affected by the roles of food as well. During adulthood we as humans are experiencing a variety of new and exciting adventures. For most of us this stage in the life cycle represents the idea of self-empowerment. An interpretation of being able to take control of our own lives and make decisions based on our personal needs and wants. The role of food in this life cycle represents freedom as well as a measurement of ones financial positions. The role of freedom in this stage represents the concept that you are free to choose what you eat, where you eat and when you eat. Adulthood for many can exemplify the first glimpse of independence. An individual who is entering this stage of his or her life may be moving away from their family for the first time. This person has up to this point lived with someone who has provided everything for them. For example, rather than sitting down with his or her family to eat dinner this person now has the option to eat a convenient and cheap meal from a fast food restaurant. Another impact that food has during the adulthood life cycle is the measurement of ones financial position. For example, people without significant financial means are limited on the food that they are able to purchase. These foods are generally less healthy and a lot cheaper, such as dollar menu items. The lifecycle of toddlerhood is a very crucial developmental stage of life. The role of food in this life cycle carries many psychological impacts on the child’s future. During this point in a child’s life food is used in the development of proper motor skills as well as to lay a foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits. These can be seen through a
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