The Role in Mate Selection

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Determining potential mates can be a demanding task, requiring various aspects of behavior and processing a wide variety of information about mate selection. Over the past three decades, a considerable amount of psychological research has been generated regarding human mate selection. Body language has a huge part of a human’s perception of attractiveness. Humans communicate not only by using their words but also non-verbal communication. The method of communication among humans, as well as animals, is not limited to the use of the word and their meanings, but extends to the gesture, posture and expressions portrayed by an individual. Mate selection has different aspect of it. The main type is dynamic. The preception of human body movement , body movement and correaltes of physical condition , and body movement in Human Attractiveness are the main aspects of this topic that we are going to be focusing on. It is common scientific knowledge, that most of what we say within a conversation is not only expressed by the words' meaning alone, but also through our gestures, postures, and body movements. This non-verbal mode is firmly in our evolutionary heritage, and as such, some scientists argue that it serves as a fundamental assessment and expression tool for our inner qualities. Studies of nonverbal communication have established that a universal, culture-free, non-verbal sign system exists, that is available to all individuals for negotiating social encounters. Thus, it is not only the kind of gestures and expressions humans use in social communication, but also the way these movements are performed, as this seems to convey key information about an individual's quality. Dance, for example, is a special form of movement, which can be observed in human courtship displays. Recent research suggests that people are sensitive to the variation in dance movements, and
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