The Roaring Twenties

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The “Roaring Twenties.” By: Timothy-Jared Cordell. Throughout the 1920's in American culture, many saw social changes that caused for a difference in the original American idea of life. The American morals and customs developed in a more complex manner throughout the “Roaring Twenties” due to things like increased fashion sense (“Flappers”), multiple inventions, and the changes in lifestyles. As these three symbols thrived, the Americans began to feel a new sense of freedom. The American precedent set during the “Roaring Twenties” still poses as a prime example of how the current American society should remain – Free and living like there's no tomorrow! As the 1920's was “Roaring” by, the American population began to see an intoduction of a new style of fashion into everyday attire – one carried by the “Flapper” generation of America. These young “Flappers” can be described as dressing “..drastic - changes in women's clothing and hair. Nearly every article of clothing was trimmed down and lightened in order to make movement easier.” (“Flappers in the Roaring Twenties”). This statement incorporates the fact that these “flappers” didn't believe in conformity, which happened to change the American fashion industry. As the decreased amount of conformity began, the parents began to see their children seek more freedom. Many saw controversy in the “flapper generation” as “Flappers drank alcohol. At a time when the United States had outlawed alcohol (Prohibition), young women were starting the habit early” (“Flappers in the Roaring Twenties”). These exotic, young ladies often challeneged American morality as well , due to the effects of prohibition. The combination of these two factors often had a moderate effect on the morality of women/fashion in the 1920's. Similar to the previous changes, many factors were made different due to advanced
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