the road,just a journey of a symbol of self discovery

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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 I go by the name of Magan Raj , Final year film students who have chosen the topic of road films which have made me derive a question for my final essay composition. My main inspiration of the topic would be the film, “The Motorcycle Diaries”, a film by Walter Salles. The incidents in this film will be my drive towards my goal of this essay. I am trying to explain through words that a road is not just a null subject of its nature. There is more than just meets one eyes .I have gather a number of articles written by passionate writers who have shared the same desire to explore road films just overlooking it like any long stretched highways of road. 1.2 My goal can be simply viewed as a third person source where I will try to demand the reader’s full un-intervened attention towards the nature of this writing. That is to Argue that the road is just not a journey one tries to embark .Neither is it a path to self-discovery will one will eventually. 1.3 My desired conclusion will make one who reads it start to believe in the theories I will eventually derive as I climb up the stairs of the has been verdicts to my soon to be final, but new verdict towards road films. And my conclusion will neither make the road a journey or a symbol of self-discovery. Chapter 2 On The Road with The Motorcycle Diaries 2.1 “ The Motorcycle Diaries ,” is a film that can be read on various levels of self-explanatory subjects. One can be very cynical enough to judge it as a road movie. Someone else can view this as a voyage of self-discovery. Another can review this as a historic-documentary film . Claire Williams have wrote an article titled,” Los diarios de motocicleta as Pan – American Travelogue”. Claire Williams have explained in her article that the effects of the journey, the protagonist have made,
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