The Road by Cormac Mccarthy

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1. The Road is a novel of transforming power and formal risk. Abandoning gruff but profound male camaraderie, McCarthy instead sounds the limits of imaginable love and despair between a diligent father and his timid young son. The morbid journey of a father and his son tends to dominate the action of the narrative but what is it that makes the story more than just a series of disturbing confrontations? What was your response to the journey the father and son endured? Father and son relationship BP 1 The tenderness and dedication of the relationship between the father and son. How look after each other (it’s not just one way) and how the boy tries to protect his father – in his dying days, not telling him why he was crying when he came out of the water, ‘I am the one who has to worry about everything’ BP 2 Contrasted with the mother’s relationship and her unwillingness to ‘carry the fire’. BP 3 Contrast between their relationship and how the majority of other people left on earth treat each other. 2. ‘A shocking yet incredibly moving tale which perfectly examines what lies at the heart of all humanity.’ – Alan Warner, The Guardian Discuss the accuracy of this statement in relation to the journey of the father and son within The Road. What was your response to the plight of the main characters? BP 1 Hope and optimism that the father has despite what’s going on around them. ‘We’re the good guys’, ‘We’re carrying the fire’. When they catch up with the man who stole their things from the beach, ‘You would have done the same.’ – “You took everything.’ When they found the bunker full of food they left a note thanking them and saying they were sorry. BP 2 Willingness to survive against the odds – both good and bad. Haven’t eaten for 5 days but would never consider eating human flesh while others actively farm people. BP 3 Innocence and optimism

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