The Reason of the Rise of Shanxi Bank

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Reasons behind the rise of Shanxi merchants 1. Geographical environment (Prominent destination+ Limited land with densely population) 1Good location .Shanxi is located in a prominent destination. Western side of Shanxi is frontier fortress, making Shanxi become the major media to connect with the frontier fortress, such as Mongolia and Xinjiang .Also, nearing Shanxi , there are some cities with highly consumption power, like Changan,(the capital city), Beijing, Kaifeng , as a result, it is a great place to do business.. 2.Abundant iron and salt Salt, iron, wheat, cotton, leather, wool, wood, are the specialty of Shanxi, in addition, salt and iron is very important at that time, as it is used as daily use and military use. Shanxi merchants treat it as an advantage to exchange with Jiangnan silk, silk, tea, rice, and resell the products to the northwestern part of China, Mongolia and Russia etc, With the bravo destination to do business, they gained products to trade with others, which in turn provides the basis for the development of Shanxi Merchants, making Shanxi Merchants gradually brilliant Graph 1 The distribution of Shanxi merchants 3.Populated place with limited land As everyone knows, China is a place that build up of farming, it is abnormal for a city starting to do business, the reason behind is that Shanxi is a densely populated place with limited land .The Ming Dynasty Hongwu years 1381, for example, the Shanxi population is 4,030,450 people, the total population of Henan, Hebei, is 18000000 ((《the first Ming Record ")》). It is stunning just because the area of Shanxi is only half of the sum of Henan and Hebei, but counting 1/4 of the population, seeing other places around these three places, like Shaanxi and there is only Shanxi has such a large population(Shandong is a big country now and at that time, so it cannot be used as
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