The Question of Refugees and Illegal Immigration

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The Question of Refugees and Illegal Immigration By SEAN WALLACH It will probably never be possible to control illegal immigration in any countries. There is always a flaw in security, no matter how good it is. The world as we know isn’t perfect, as seen in the fence that borders the U.S.A and Mexico. Despite the Americans built a fence, illegal aliens got past through holes, got Coyotes to bring them over and enormous gaps where the fence ends. People will always seek a better place to live, for there is always -in their opinion- a better country or region to live in. The reasons may be because of unfair treatment, such as in the movie China Rising, where the Chinese sold their homes for much less then they should have been. It also may be because of underpay and overwork as seen in the movie China Blue. It may also be because of dangers in the countries, such as in the movie Go Back Where You Came From, where people that lived in war torn countries, or countries under the influence of dictatorship, where you rights are ignored and your free will taken. In countries and places like these, the citizens want to find safe place, where they can rest assured, where they do have rights, and where their cries for mercy are not simply ignored and swept aside like dust. The people in these countries are so desperate they are urged to remove themselves from the commotion and settle somewhere else. Many people travel thousands upon thousands of miles to get to their destination, such as in the movie Run For Your Life, where over 50,000 teenagers try to jump trains to get to El Norte sometimes over 4000 miles away. Oftentimes, because they come from different countries, they bring with them cultures and religions. This is a reason they become treated as lesser than what they actually are (humans) by getting called names, beaten, ignored, reported, and much,

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