The Process of Academic Writing by Walter Colchado

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The Process of Academic Writing The purpose on this assignment is to provide to the reader the essential concept of the Process of Academic Writing, detailing its fundamental stages by suggesting useful tasks in order to help students by giving a particular way of writing so that they could transcript what they want to transmit of a specific topic. Academic Writing is basically the different kinds of texts that many high school and university students have to do in their daily activities, depending on the subject they could be essays, papers, researches, assignments, reviews, etc. Nowadays, most of the students are continuously worrying on how to do an effective writing which could express their ideas supported by their previous research, but they often fail because they don’t have a clear concept of what it is, so this assignment is oriented to these specific people. The Process of Academic Writing may vary for each person and for each specific text, however this paper follows the general work flow to achieve the topic purpose with these activities: pre-writing, listing and organizing ideas, writing based on research and finally, reviewing and revising for the final draft. Keep in mind that the main goal of Academic Writing is not to illustrate everything you know about a topic, but to demonstrate that you understood and can produce ideas critically based on the subject. The specifics tasks of Academic Process Writing is listed below: 1) Choose a Topic Choosing a Topic is the first part of prewriting your assignment, so you have to determine what you are going to talk about and what you are going to focus on. To accomplish this, first you need to know if you have the right of choosing a topic by yourself. If so, start with few ideas and choose the best one keeping in mind its difficulty and how easy is to find information related to it. If not, only

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