The Problem With Human Consumption And Production

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The Problem with Human Consumption and Production of Global Material Resources Princess Smith SCI 207 Dependence of Man on the Environment Instructor: Lincoln A. Simmons July 7, 2011 The Problem with Human Consumption and Production of Global Material Resources Consumption and production of resources is becoming a problem that is under-mining the environmental resource base. The dynamics of consumption and production-poverty-inequality-environment nexus are continuously accelerating if something doesn’t change about this issue today’s problems of consumption and human development will only get worse. It the real problem of consumption and production is not only consumption and production within it itself, it is the effects and patterns of both that is the continuing problem. The uncontrollable growth of human consumption and production over the past 50 years is continuing to put strains on the environment and human health as never before. Humans consume and produce a large variety of resources and products that have that has become beyond our basic needs that include luxury items and technological innovations in order to improve efficiency. Let’s take a look at the production of beef products; Beef is a perfect example of using resources wastefully and is causing our environment to be degraded. In the Amazon and other places the rainforests are being cleared in order to raise cattle and about 70 to 80% of the grain that is produced in the United States is fed to livestock. The areas that are being cleared for raising cattle is not so much for local consumptions, but for the betterment of producing more and more fast food restaurants in other parts of the globe. Also there are enormous related costs with the inefficient process when you consider it as a whole. If you factor in the cost of using water alone you can get a more realistic estimate of how

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