The Problem With Democracy

7004 Words29 Pages
The Problem of the Democracy Undoubtedly, democracy enjoys a prominent status in the world arena. It takes its place on the throne of the one-pole, uncontested empire of the world and serves as the social doctrine, political guide, and cultural identity, and the approach followed by its civilization. It is the glorious message of that empire to all creation. The said empire befriends and gets close to those who accept democracy and adhere to it, and it quarrels with and fights those who reject it and opt for something else. This has made democracy, either willingly or out of fear, the beloved of politicians and thinkers. People from everywhere, except a resisting few, compete for its love. Thus democracy has become the master that orders and forbids and that controls the procession of human security and the management of its affairs. Lovers who belong to various creeds, cultures, and civilizations vie for its love and the honour for proving its kinship to their religion and culture. Many Muslims have followed such a course. They have been claiming the honour of the kinship between democracy and the great approach of Islam. They speak of the “democracy of Islam,” and claim that Islam was the first to follow the system of democracy. They have been repeating that “There is no shortage of terminology. Islam is democracy, and democracy is Islam.” Books and essays have been written on the subject, praising democracy, its gifts, and its blessings. It is described as the faithful and sincere innovator and savior of mankind from the filth of deviation and error, and from the causes of backwardness and corruption. This dramatic scene, in which democracy is featured under the spotlights of the world stage, reminds one of a previous dramatic scene that featured a former mistress of great beauty and charm. Intellectual, political, economic, and social circles

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