The Power of Manipulation

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The Power of Manipulation Throughout history, people have been falling under the power of manipulation. This is a strong power that can affect almost everyone. Usually people do not realize they are being manipulated and continue to go on with their everyday lives without knowing. The power of manipulation is shown in many literary works, such as The Crucible, and is also evident in everyday life, as well as throughout history. Today there are many different products out on the market. These products can range anywhere from groceries and clothing to cars and houses. Anything someone can buy is a product of some sort. But how do people know which product is best and where to buy it? “In order to differentiate and position their products and/or services today's businesses employ advertising which is sometimes considered not only of bad taste, but also as deliberately intrusive and manipulative” (Yordanof 1). One can simply turn on a television or go through any magazine and would see commercials or advertisements that are trying to persuade people to buy their product. These forms of advertising are examples of how companies try to manipulate one into buying the product. The advertisements all claim that their product is the best and highest quality. Through setting of such stereotypes, advertisers not only mislead the public and exaggerate the effects of products but also provoke low self-esteem in consumers (Yordanof 1). These advertisements catch the consumer’s eye and manipulate them into buying a company’s product. To go along with a person being manipulated into buying a product, the consumer must also choose where to buy the product. There are a number of places that sell a product someone wants. When determining which product is the best, the company tries to manipulate people to come to the store and buy the product. Around election time, a candidate
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