The Philosophy of the Socratic Method &

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I. Introduction: During 399 B.C.E. one of the founding fathers of all of Philosophy, Athenian teacher the great Socrates, was brought to jail for several accusations of “wrong doing”. Most famously, for “corrupting the youth” by simply trying to teach them philosophy and how to think and reason for themselves and not solely based on society. Socrates was eventually convicted by the jury and soon sentenced to death. His execution was continuously delayed by because of religious festivals which prevented all executions and wars at the time. Socrates was innocent and ultimately had perpetrated not only capital offense, but the Athenians in charge simply did not understand nor did they try understand his teachings, therefore did not like Socrates. Socrates was given the option to have the Athenians kill him or to die by suicide by ingesting poison, which is ultimately the choice he made. However before his death, Socrates continued his trek on philosophy and thinking and tried to save himself through his own works and philosophical justifications. This included most famously, his Socratic Method. He used this method to try and convince the men of Athens that he did not deserve death and that his teachings were in fact legit and led to heightened senses and knowledge. He tries to make them see that he too deserved life and deserved to spread his ideals and theories to anyone who was interested and wanted to experience life on his own personal level and through his own experiences, not simply the experiences in which man was “supposed” to have and learn from. Socrates attempted to open the eyes of all around him, the children because ultimately they are the future and have not been completely brainwashed by society, and the jurors and jailers for their own ultimate gain. He tried to prove that what the jurors and leaders of society considered wrong

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