The Perfect Man

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“The Perfect Man” Is there truly such a thing as “The Perfect Man”? In today’s world women find it hard to have an honestly happy relationship or marriage. What is it that makes “ The Perfect Man” ? Unfortunately it is not an easy question to answer. Don’t worry though, there is one for each of us, we just need to know what to look for and what to do when we find him. Generally, when asked “what do women want in a man” women respond with the general list of: handsome, kind, gentle, passionate and hard working. What we are looking for is way deeper than that. Not that we can’t use these words to describe it, but we need to feel it in our hearts. When we use these words to describe a man it almost seems vain. Handsome, for example, we think good looking. I like to think of it as how he carries himself in gentlemanly manner. He always gets the door, helps me with my coat, stands when I excuse myself from the table, and always has uplifting words to say about my appearance or simply my presence. The words kind and gentle, we think of politely smiling and he likes puppies. I think of a man who knows that I don’t like spiders and instead of killing one for me he picks it up and carries it outside to set it free. When thinking of hardworking, we picture a man who works all the time at his job. I like to think of a man who not just works at work but that works with me in all aspects of our lives; our family and our relationship with each other. Then there is passionate when describing him. What can I say about passion? Passion comes from an actual physical feeling. The feeling of butterflies in my stomach when he kisses me. The not noticing any other person in the room when we are out together. The fact that I can sense he is watching me from a distance. To actually be lost in moments when he is holding me. When we as women come
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