The Paths of Glory Lead but to the Grave

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The movie “Paths of Glory,” portrays a war theme - more specifically an anti-war theme. The message of the movie is portrayed through the soldiers and the different “paths the soldiers took to get to victory and survive.” Every soldier went down their own path overall leading to somewhat “glory” which not all of them got to experience. Men died in battle, mental illness (and illness in genera), fellow soldiers doings, death sentences; just an endless amount of reasons. Soldiers believed that they were fighting for the glory of victory or “patriotism” which Sam Johnson described as the last refuge of a scoundrel. Soldiers were brainwashed with the idea of patriotism - leading their country to victory at all costs, even if meant going into battle knowing you were going to die enforcing the message of the movie that, “The paths of glory lead but to the grave.” At first, the movie described the trench warfare situation of World War I. Then we are introduced to General Mireau who had been ordered to send his division in on a suicide mission to the well-defended German position called the “Ant Hill.” At first Mireau refuses, trying to explain the impossibility of success but as soon as a promotion for him is mentioned, he’s suddenly convinced the attack will be successful. Mireau leaves the attack to Colonel Dax, despite Dax’s protests that the attack will only result in failure and weaken his army. During a nighttime scouting mission prior to the attack, a drunken lieutenant named Roget sends one of his two men ahead as a scout. Overcome by fear waiting for the scout's return, he lobs a grenade and retreats. The other soldier—Corporal Paris—finds the body of the scout, killed by the grenade. Having safely returned, he confronts Roget, but Roget denies any wrongdoing, and falsifies his report to Colonel Dax. The next day, the French army proceeds to attacking

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