The Old Earth Geology and Its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century

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The overview of the article, The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century by Dr. Terry Mortenson, is the differing views between the Old-Earth and New-Earth beliefs. The main points given were that there were three views in the early 19th century: Catastrophists, Uniformitarians and scriptural geologists. “Catastrophists believed that several major floods destroyed a large percentage of living creatures and God replaced them with new living beings. Uniformitarians believed that all geological change happened at the same rate, intensity and power over history. And scriptural geologists believe in the biblical account of a literal six-day creation of all things by God, followed by a global flood which created that geological record.” (Mortenson) The strengths in the article are the differing views presented by various scientists and non-scientists both Christian and non-Christian based. Dr. Mortenson summarized these scientist’s views straight to their points of belief. The points that I found clear was that there was not proof to back the “theories” of the Old Earth views expressed and there was proof of the New Earth view, the Bible. I feel the weakness of the article was that there was not much elaboration on the scientist’s findings. There were a lot Journal Article Review One 3 of names and dates given but not a lot of detail. I feel there should have been more backing information on the views that each scientist or geologist presented. When all you read are names and dates you tend to lose the reader’s attention. I also feel like the author could have had a little more information that was more up to date, such as current studies or studies that have been done more recently. In conclusion, I agree with Dr. Mortenson’s statement made in his article that evolution is not the cause for moral and social

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