The New Imperialism 1880-1914

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The New Imperialism: 1880-1914 IMPERIALISM: the control of one people by another (can be political, economic or cultural) I. "Old Imperialism": occurred between the 16th and 18th centuries A. European powers did not usually acquire territory in Africa and Asia but rather built a series of trading stations 1. Portugal established a series of trading posts along the west coast of Africa, India and Indonesia a. Spice trade b. First to establish the African slave trade in the New World 2. The Netherlands likewise established trading posts in Indonesia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 3. Europeans in Asia respected and frequently cooperated with local rulers in India, China, Japan, Indonesia, and other areas where trade flourished between locals and European coastal trading centers. B. The New World was the exception 1. Spain established an enormous empire in Central and South America and lay claim to large portions of western North America. • Native Americans in Mesoamerica and South America were severely subjugated 2. Portugal established Brazil as a sugar colony and imported massive numbers of slaves from Africa 3. England colonized the east coast of North America (eventually developing into 13 American colonies) and several islands in the Caribbean as sugar colonies 4. France established a colony in modern-day Canada as well as sugar colonies in the Caribbean II. European Migration A. Between 1815 & 1932 over 60 million people left Europe • Great Britain, Ireland, Italy and

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