The Negative Effects of Television

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Nothing has had a greater negative influence on the well-being of society over the last one-hundred years than television. The impact of this technological innovation can be seen in not only the physical fitness of our society, but in its mental deterioration. The interactions of adults with their contemporaries, of parents with their children, and children with their environment have all suffered as a byproduct of our growing addiction to television. Additionally, the authoritative aspect of television has lead to a diminished ability to think critically. “If it’s on television it must be true.” is commonly heard, and unfortunately commonly believed. Human nature seeks the path of least resistance in everything, including working, playing, and thinking. “According to the New York Times, which mined data from Nielsen Research, the average American watched 34 hours of television each week last year.”[1] That translates to roughly four hours and fifty-one minutes each day. What did people do with that time before television was invented? “They spent time with the neighbors, with their families, and with their communities.”[2] People read books and played with their children. Neighbors gathered together to share experiences and create memories. Children made friends and discovered their world in real and tangible ways. One might argue that people listened to the radio in the past. While true, that activity did not require the same level of attention and focus as television does. Driving while listening to the radio is an accepted social practice, driving while watching television, on the other hand, is most definitely not. Contrary to what children think today, life existed before television. Another negative impact of television on society is the isolation that it causes. The “real” world diminishes as the virtual world of television becomes more important.
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