The Negative Effects of Modern Farming

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The Negative Effects of Modern Farming Thomas Jefferson once wrote in a letter to George Washington, "Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness." Farming and agriculture has been the main source of food for centuries. Merriam Webster defines agriculture as the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products. Worldwide, modern agriculture accounts for 38 percent of land use, 66 percent of water withdrawals, and 85 percent of water consumption. However, the use of pesticides, artificial and chemical fertilizers, and machinery has changed the way farmers produce their products. Therefore, farming in the last 60 years has created long term, negative effects in the earth’s several ecosystems. Modern day machinery used on farms has created major environmental and economic issues. According to Andrew Farmer, machines used on farms cause much air pollution due to their source of power, fuel. Most farmers use the out of date tractors, ploughs, and other tools because new machines are too expensive. However, these old mechanical tools work of leaded gasoline, which release burned lead into the atmosphere. Lead has serious or deathly effects on human health. A person may suffer from permanent brain damage or even anemia. The economic issues are just as appalling. When machines are used on fields, the amount of workers needed on farms is reduced. This creates a higher amount of persons unemployed. The employer also has to pay for the equipment, which is very costly. Some of these tools need qualified technicians to work in them, which increases the amount of money an employer has to use. The types of pesticides used are also led to major downfalls of recent farming
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