Movie Review: The Movie In My Life

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The Movie In My Life The scene begins with the death of my mother. I am eight and a half years old and I just came home from school. I am in our living room with grownups all standing around talking in small groups of two or three; mostly men in suites, white shirts and ties. I see no faces, only suits and arms with elbows bent speaking quietly with each other. I make my way through the crowd and look for my father but before I find him, a man stops me and when I ask what is going on, he squats down to my height and tells me kindly that my mother had ‘passed away.’ Passed away? It took a moment to sink in that it did not sound as bad as it was. As if using the term passing away was somehow less traumatic then dying. I was surprised because I had just seen her in the hospital a day or two before and although she was weak, she was still alive. Stunned, I did not know what to think or how to act and wondered what I should do. I said nothing. I just felt my brain tingle and sink to my stomach. I did not react; I did not know how to react. I was frozen inside, shocked and unable to comprehend what this all meant. I realized also that the only person on earth that could tell me was irretrievably inaccessible to me. In the midst of all these men, I realized that now I was totally…show more content…
I wondered why it didn’t seem to concern me because I was open to whatever the adults thought was right. I preferred to stay home, to keep on being normal because then somehow, magically it would become ‘normal’ because mamma would be lying there on the couch with a soft smile for me as I sat next to her on the edge. I wanted to stay with my dad because he was part of the normal in my life. I wanted to stay with my brothers because it was all necessary to figuring it out. I loved them, but I loved my mother as well and now she was gone. I’m not sure that I could be normal anywhere

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