The Monkey's Paw Summary

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Monkey’s Paw Summarization by W.W. Jacobs The short story by W.W. Jacobs takes place on a cold, wet night when Herbert White and his father, Mr. White are playing a game of chess in their parlor Laburam Villa while Mrs. White knitted. Expecting a guest that evening the family doubted his visit considering the horrible weather conditions. Just as the chess game ended there was a knock on the door. Mr. white went to greet the tall bearly man whom was introduced as Sergent Major Morris. After a few rounds of drinks Major Morris began to speak of his 21 years of war when Mr. White questioned Major Morris of the monkey’s paw that he had spoke of previously. The major quickly tried to end the conversation, but Mr. White’s question had gotten the attention of his wife and son, they insisted he told them what it was about. Major Morris spoke of a mummified monkey’s paw that was magic. Major Morris told them the paw had a spell cast upon it by a holy man called a fakir whom did so to prove that fate ruled people’s lives. The spell allowed that three different men have three wishes each from it. Major Morris told the family he had received his three wishes and while saying that threw the paw into the fire. Mr. White whom was offended by this action grabbed the paw out of the fire. Major Morris warned him that sorrow would be the only thing this item would bring to him. Mr. White ignored his statement and showed the guest to the door. While wondering what to wish for Herbert suggests that paying off their home would bring his father joy. Mr. white then wishes for two hundered pounds. When morning came and everything was the same the family jokingly mocked Major Morris’s tale. Herbert then told his parents goodbye and went to work. Not long after he left a man from the factory Herbert worked for appeared at their door. He sadly told the Whites their son Herbert had been
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