The Merits Of Volunteering

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The merits of volunteering In modern societies, where individualism has prevailed and a lot of emphasis is put on personal profit, only a small proportion of people seem to be interested in becoming volunteers and participating in organizations that are of beneficial character to others. Yet, today more than ever before, people should be sensitized towards this direction, as it is essential that we offer disinterested help to those who are in need if we want to lead a meaningful life. The idea of volunteering is defined as the act of offering personal work to the community without expecting to receive any financial reward. It stems from an inner impulse that overwhelms a person who is confronted with a situation that requires immediate action. But then, since people are willing to offer help to others almost instinctively, how come there are so few volunteers in our days, one might wonder. The answer to this question is quite simple. Focusing on studies and career is what we usually do at an early stage of our lives and then, of course, comes the creation of a family which also absorbs a vast amount of energy and time. Also, the hunting of success has become our second nature and, as a result, a feeling of constant stress and anxiety accompanies us in our daily lives. That is why we tend to forget to think about other people, let alone to provide them with some kind of help. We are too busy to take a look around us as we deal only with our personal goals and aspirations. However, this attitude could possibly lead to isolation. And isolation has been proved to bring about many psychological problems and a general feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction. So, if we want this situation to change radically, the only solution would be to turn to our fellow beings and try to understand what their needs are. In addition to this, we should become more aware
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