The Medieval Concept of Spiritual, Intellectual, Political, and Economic Education

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NAME: Jenevieve O. Bajan S.Y.: 2013-2014 EDUC 200: Philosophical, Historical, Legal Foundations of Philippine Education The Medieval Concept of Spiritual, Intellectual, Political, and Economic Education I – INTRODUCTION: The fall of Rome in 476 A.D. is considered as the end of ancient times and the start of medieval history. In this period, four educational systems or movements emerged namely: Monasticism, Scholasticism, Chivalry, and the Guild system of education. Each educational system bears different features and characteristics that greatly influence our today’s Philippine Educational system. II – SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM:…show more content…
o Lecture, repetition, disputation, and examination methods o The Aristotelian logic o Problem method Outstanding Contributions to Education: ✓ Organization of the university ✓ Emphasis on intellectual training CHIVALRY AND THE AGE OF FEUDALISM CHIVALRY- comes from the Old French word chevalerie meaning horse soldiery. it means the code of behavior and ethics that knights were expected to follow. Feudalism – is the general term used to describe the political and military system of Western Europe during middle ages. It was a system of land tenure on allegiance and service to the nobleman or lord. fief – called the lord, is the one who owned the land. vassal – the subordinate of the lord or…show more content…
Scholasticism concerned directly on the intellectual discipline. Meaning, people at this time began to question the validity of creeds and dogmas taught by the Christian church. On the other hand, Chivalry emphasized on physical, social, military trainings and even on the social graces. While, the guild system of education catered on the vocational trainings or manpower development and business interests. IV –

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