The Meaning of Money

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The Role of Personality and Gender in Understanding the Emotional Meaning of Money Personality and Individual Differences Report Abstract The how and why of an individual’s understanding towards the meaning of money differs considerably across many aspects of life. Furnham, Wilson, & Telford (2012) examined the emotional meaning of money in terms of security, power, love and freedom. This study sought to further investigate previous research and possible influential confounding factors, by exploring the potential relationship between, personality, gender and the meaning of money. A sample of 242 participants took part in this study, 131 females and 98 males aged from 18 to 66 years and more. Each participant completed a questionnaire comprising of 3 short questionnaires, Questionnaire 1-Behaviours and Preferences, Questionnaire 2-Meaning of Money, Questionnaire 3-Finances. Each questionnaire was in a self-report style; with 1 and 2 having Likert scale format and 3 had a series of short finance based questions on different sources of income. Analysis of the data was obtained using a 3x2x2 Factorial Design and revealed that there was a significant main effect of gender on Money in relation to Power F(1,206),=179.73, p<0.05. The findings of this study did support the hypotheses, but the findings were weak and highlighting the need for further research. Introduction Money has significant impacts on people’s motivation and behaviour. We all know money is important, especially in the present economic climate. Money consumes vast amounts of psychological and emotional energy. We talk, think, argue and dream about it, money is said to make the world go round (Mitchell & Mickel 1999). When money was introduced its purpose was to facilitate the idea of barter, in trade. According to Furnham and Argyle (1998) money is a medium of exchange
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